How to Print with Staples/Hole Punch at Huntington University Indiana Tech Location

Creation date: 6/9/2023 7:57 AM    Updated: 4/8/2024 10:42 AM   color hole punch indiana tech indianatech printing sarah staple
Part 1: Installing the VPN

*If you already have the Sophos Connect icon on your desktop, you can skip to Part 2. The icon looks like a white "C" on a blue background*

1. In a web browser, navigate to Log in using your Huntington University Account Information.

2. Ensure the "VPN" button on the left side is highlighted

3. Click on "Download client for Windows" and once that has completed click "Download configuration for Windows"

4. Open the downloaded .exe file which can either be located in your Downloads folder through Windows File Explorer or at the bottom of your screen depending which Browser you are using.

5. Follow the installation instructions to install Sophos Connect. Then, double-click on the Sophos Connect icon on the desktop.

6. Click on the blue "Import Connection" button.

7. Click on "Downloads" on the left side of the new window that popped up. Then, double click on the VPN Configuration file that you downloaded in step 3.

8. Click the Blue "Connect" button, and then enter your Huntington University account information. This will connect you to the VPN.

Part 2: Installing HU_Printer

1. Open Windows File Explorer by clicking on the yellow folder on the taskbar at the bottom of the screen.

2. Type "//printing" into the navigation bar indicated below


3. Open the "install" folder, and then double click on the "installhuprinter" batch file. 

4. This will install HU_Printer on Sarah and HU_Printer_Color on Sarah, as well as Papercut, onto your computer. When printing choose one of these printers; when ready to pick up your print, swipe your card at the printer and select which account to charge the print to (if the selection area pops up). 