How to Install Papercut Client for Mac

Creation date: 9/6/2017 12:21 PM    Updated: 9/6/2017 12:21 PM
  1. Connect to HU Wi-Fi or wired network
  2. From Finder, select Go (from the menu bar at the top of the display), then Connect to Server
  3. In the server box enter smb://sarah/install
  4. Enter your HU Username and Password
  5. Open the PapercutMacInstall.dmg
  6. Drag PCClient to the Applications shortcut
  7. Make sure to open PCClient from Launchpad or Applications
  8. To launch Papercut automatically at login, add the PCClient software to the user's login items in the Users & Groups Preference pane located in System Preferences.

**Administrator Instructions For Multi User Systems**
  1. Hold down the control key and click the in the Applications folder
  2. Select Show Package Contents, open the Contents folder and then Resources
  3. Open install-login-hook.command
  4. When prompted to prevent user from quitting the client enter YES
  5. Enter your password then press return (Note: you will not be able to see your password as you type)
  6. You should see a message indicating the process completed successfully. Now PCClient should launch at login for every user.