Updating Adobe Acrobat DC

If you are running into an error message that an update is required and that Your browser or operating system is no longer supported, then you can follow the steps below to resolve the issue. Please be aware that this process usually takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.
  1. Uninstall Adobe Cloud Desktop App and any other copies of Adobe Acrobat DC
  2. Sign in at https://creativecloud.adobe.com/cc/
  3. Click on Download in the Acrobat DC section
  4. Run the installer and go through the installation process
  5. This will re-install the Creative Cloud App first, and then Acrobat Reader DC
  6. You may need to sign in again on the Creative Cloud App after the installation finishes
Creation date: 9/2/2021 8:43 AM      Updated: 3/16/2022 8:44 AM