Purchase Order Closed in Wrong Fiscal Year

Creation date: 6/3/2021 9:20 AM    Updated: 6/3/2021 9:21 AM
Original ticket from Pam Rudy:
I had a PO that I closed, MEANT to close it in the 2020-2021 fiscal year, but forgot to change my date when I did that and it closed it for June 1, in the 2021-22 fiscal year 

So, can we get into the 2020-21 fiscal year and close out this PO in Jenzabar?  PP 23337….

The encumbrance shows under 09-1799-8020 and we want that to go away.


Steps from LIsa Gentry at Jenzabar showing how she fixed in on our system:

Find the closing entry using Accounting Query.  Look for the EUCG entry type

  Ref  Jnlno  Fscl Yr    Jnl date   Prd    Login name              Sys date   S

   PC  10420   2122      06/01/2021 JUNE    prudy                 06/01/2021  F

   Ent    Type     Doc Ref/No    Doc id   Pay Frm/no  Cash amount     S

      1   EUCG     PP    23337     626145             $       0.00    P

   Anatomage Inc                     Anatomage Inc


       Fd  Cntr  Acct  Proj       Ast Subs    Debit         Credit    S R

       --  ----  ----  ----       --- ---- ------------  ------------ - -

       09        1310                      $   99827.00               P O

       09  1799  8020                                    $   99827.00 P O

       10        1309                                    $   99827.00 P O

       10        2010                 A/P  $   99827.00               P O

From the shell senter2 on the vhc_rec and take ownership of the journal noted in the query search.


Searches the active database table.             ** 1: vch_rec table**

vch_ref             [PC]

jrnl_no             [10420      ]

pst_date            [06/01/2021]

pst_tm              [1008  ]

jrnl_date           [06/01/2021]

amt_cr              [$199654.00         ]

amt_dr              [$199654.00         ]

ca_amt_cr           [$0.00              ]

ca_amt_dr           [$0.00              ]

amt_type            [ENC]

fscl_mo             [JUNE]

fscl_yr             [2122]

prep_uid            [303   ]à update to cisc uid 100

stn_no              [0          ]

doc_ref             [  ]

stat                [F]à update to I(ncomplete)

ent_no              [1          ]

Void the entry from the shell and review mail message:

cisc: filepost -v PC 10420 1

Jenzabar CX/accounting  filepost  8.33.400.1  (Released)

cisc: mail

Voucher 'PC-10420', entry 1 successfully voided.

filepost run completed, Wed Jun  2 10:12:44 2021

Update the PO status back to Submitted from the shell via senter2:


Searches the active database table.             ** 1: pohead_rec table**

frm                 [PP]

po_no               [23337      ]

seq_no              [0          ]

fscl_yr             [2021]

prepay_po           [N]

inv_no              [                    ]

needby_date         [03/18/2021]

post_date           [03/18/2021]

fund                [09]

cntr                [1799]

acct                [8020]

proj                [    ]

stat                [T]à updated to S

closed              [ ]

add_date            [03/18/2021]

ctc_uid             [303        ]

ctc_id              [192148     ]

vnd_id              [626145     ]

vendor_aa_type      [    ]

payee_id            [626145     ]

1 row(s) found