Resident Director Fine Access on the HU Portal

This access is controlled by a dynamic SQL statement included below.  So, you will need to:
{login to CX, get to the shell prompt and execute the following command}
% senter2 acctfine_table
{once in the acctfine_table you will need to query the Resident Director's ID number in the acctfine_table.resp_id  field to verify they don't already have an entry in this table.  Assuming they do not, you will need to add one.  You may also need help from someone in the Student Life office to know the appropriate values to populate the acctfine_table.acct, bldg and fine fields.

SELECT DISTINCT, id_rec.fullname FROM id_rec, stu_serv_rec, acctfine_table, jics_params WHERE acctfine_table.resp_id = {UserID} and stu_serv_rec.sess = jics_params.sess and stu_serv_rec.yr = jics_params.yr and jics_params.prog = "UNDG" and stu_serv_rec.bldg = acctfine_table.bldg and = ORDER BY id_rec.fullname

You will see this dynamic SQL within the FormBuilder form, titled "Resident Hall Fines" (right now - it will eventually be moved to Form Flow with similar SQL most likely)

Creation date: 9/8/2021 3:15 PM      Updated: 11/28/2022 2:09 PM
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