Save a PDF in Chrome and Open/Print in Acrobat on Mac

1) Open the PDF you wish to print in Google Chrome

2) At the top right corner of the screen, select the arrow pointing down

3) In the new window that appears, give your PDF an easily remembered name and save it to your Desktop

4) Locate your saved PDF on the desktop, and then right click. Select "Open With" from the List and then choose "Adobe Acrobat".

5) Once your PDF opens, click on the Printer icon

7. If you want the project to be in black and white, ensure HU_Printer is selected. If you want the document printed in color, choose HU_Printer_Color

8. Go to the nearest Xerox MFP and swipe your card to release the print job.
Creation date: 7/15/2022 10:35 AM      Updated: 11/28/2022 4:20 PM
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