1. Download the new MathLM, if applicable, and new version of Mathematica here
https://user.wolfram.com/portal/ProductRegistration?actkey=32512024XG229R&u=rbrocher%40huntington.edu&v=d9fe580f8df0b1b47478e8bada666a36030045b7 2. Go to the user portal and under My site products, get the activation code
3. Under site license summary, click Need to activate manually?
4. Generate the password
5. Install the MathLm
http://reference.wolfram.com/language/tutorial/InstallingMathLM.html on leviticus
6. Activate MathLM
http://reference.wolfram.com/language/tutorial/ActivatingMathematica.html7. Install Mathematica, using activate using another method. Server is torchwood