Force Facebook to re-scrape a shared link

If an image is not explicitly provided in the SEO tab of ExpressionEngine's content, Facebook will try and find an image to display when you share a link. Most of the time, this works out fine, but sometimes it picks an image we don't want to use. We must first make a change in ExpressionEngine, and then tell Facebook to re-scrape the url.

    • Log in to ExpressionEngine and edit the page in question. Click the "SEO" tab.
    • Click the "Add File" button for "SEO Image". Technically, we can do it for "Facebook OpenGraph Image", but unless we want a separate image for Facebook and Twitter, it's easiest to just upload it to "SEO Image" and let that cascade down to both.
    • Select or upload an image and save the page. ExpressionEngine now has an image to create the appropriate OpenGraph data for Facebook.

    • Open an internet browser and navigate to
    • Make sure the "Sharing Debugger" tab is selected (it should be selected by default).
    • Enter the URL in question in the text box and click "Debug".
    • In the "When and how we last scraped the URL" section, there should be a button labeled "Scrape Again". Click that button.
    • Facebook should instantly re-scrape the page and show you what link will look like the next time it is shared.

Note: If a link was posted to Facebook before these steps were completed, that link may need to be removed from that person's Facebook account and be re-shared.
Creation date: 6/12/2024 10:12 AM      Updated: 6/12/2024 10:12 AM