*The steps below are only required if you wish to download the book and read it on more than one device. If you are fine reading the book on one computer/tablet or reading the book online, you do not need to follow these steps*
1. Click on the link in the email to access ProQuest Ebook Central. Sign in with your normal HU Account information if asked.
2. Click on "Download Book" if you wish to read the book offline on a different tablet/e-reader.
3. In the box that appears, click the Radio Button for "I'm using my own computer"
4. Click the Continue button, and then on the next page click on the orange "Get Adobe Digital Editions" button.
5. Your browser will open a new tab. Click on the appropriate hyperlink (top for Mac, bottom for Windows) for your system to download the software.
6. Download and then install the software. Go back to your browser window and click "Done with this step" at the bottom right corner of the box.
7. Click the download button at the next screen. Then, once the book is finished downloading, double click on it. An Adobe Digital Editions window should appear.
8. Click on the downward facing arrow marked below, and then select "Adobe ID"
9. Click on the blue "Create an Adobe ID" hyperlink. Then follow the steps to create a new Adobe ID; you can use your HU email address but will need to use a different password for the account creation process.
10. Click on "Authorize" once you have created your account. When you want to access your book on a different device, sign in using the new Adobe ID you just created.